The definitions of the term “library and information potential”, personnel, technical, social means, methods, structures, conditions that allow libraries to put it into circulation, position, disclose, and effectively use it have been analyzed. The structure and elements of the library and information potential in the traditional and electronic environment are considered. It has been determined that it exists in two forms: internal and external. The role of the library and information potential in meeting the information needs of modern users has been investigated. It is proved that in the conditions of the rapid development of information technologies, the library and information potential should be considered as part of the general information potential of society in general and the city in particular. The article considers its current state and development prospects in terms of interaction with various document and information structures in the context of informatization of the city, as well as the need to create a single information resource for the city with a single format for data presentation.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Galina Koloskova, Oleksii Kobieliev

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