• Rina Rifayanti Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Mulawarman University, Indonesia
  • Alma Yorinda Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Mulawarman University, Indonesia
  • Zakki Abdallah Alkatiri Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Mulawarman University, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Qori' Hasan Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Mulawarman University, Indonesia
Keywords: fear of loss, use of social media, Instagram, Phubbing behaviour


The emergence of fear will lose among the millennial generation due to the influence of smartphones in an era that is increasingly developing with technological advances in social media. The widespread use of social media, Instagram, phubbing behaviour that appears is why someone often ignores the natural interlocutor in front of them. This study analyses the effect of using social media Instagram and phubbing behaviour on the fear of loss in Sungai Kunjang District on the millennial generation in Sungai Kunjang District. The sample of this study was 104 people using the nonprobability sampling technique with the purposive sampling method. The data collection used is a scale of fear of loss, social media, Instagram and phubbing behaviour. The four scales are arranged using a Likert model. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS 25.0 for the Windows program. This study indicates a significant effect between social media Instagram and phubbing behaviour on the fear of losing. There is a positive and significant effect of using social media Instagram on the fear of losing. There is no effect between phubbing behaviour on fear of loss.


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How to Cite
Rifayanti, R., Alma Yorinda, Zakki Abdallah Alkatiri, & Muhammad Qori’ Hasan. (2021). USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND PHUBBING BEHAVIOR AGAINST FEAR OF LOSING. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (3(31).