• Ismayilova Masma Aliyulla gizi Doctor Philosophy on Philology, Senior Lecturer, Foreign Language Center, Philological Faculty, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Azerbaijan
Keywords: dialogue, colloquial speech, emotion, expressiveness, interjections, exclamatory sentences, intonation, English, Azerbaijani language


The article deals with the expression of emotionality and expressiveness in a dialogue. The lexical system of the language contains words and ready-made constructions (for example, applause) that directly affect the emotional state. Different forms of such tools are used depending on the status of the interview. Praise, pleading, threats, blackmail, applause, etc. are the means chosen and included in speech at such moments. The peculiarities of emotive and aesthetic functions, expressiveness in the dialogic speech in the modern Azerbaijani and English languages are systematized and analized on the basis of the concrete dialogues taken from the living speech and fiction. Stylistic-expressive grammatical forms in both languages are remarkable for their emotional peculiarities and don’t depend on the type of speech. The special attention is given to interjections, exclamatory sentences, polysemantic words, reiteration, paralinguistic means, intonation, verbal context that play an important role in dialogues. It is also emphasized that in the dialogic speech participators are not content only with transmission of information but also try to influence the emotions of their conversation.


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How to Cite
Ismayilova Masma Aliyulla gizi. (2021). EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONALITY AND EXPRESSIVENESS IN THE DIALOGUE. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (2(30).