The lockdown caused by the COVID-19 outbreak mainstreamed distance learning in all educational institutions worldwide and Ukraine in particular. Kyiv University’s staff faced the global challenge to teach in the crisis conditions. The university closure made it clear that remote learning demanded the implementation of totally new methodologies to cover the needs of students. An online survey resulted in approaching Zoom and Google Classroom as the most preferable and efficient in providing live learning opportunities. To reach valid data of the study, qualitative and quantitative analyses of off- and online exams were applied. The majority of respondents estimated the online exam format similar to face-to-face one and the practical value of online learning following the university shutdown as beneficial. Against this background, in post-pandemic reality, Kyiv University has applied urgent management practices to alleviate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on both students and staff. The new platform encompasses various modes and has covered all students and the teaching staff of Kyiv University from September 1 this year. The KNU Education Online digital platform as a multifunctional school network is a fruitful university decision to work out the strategy beneficial in the long run.
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