• Dmytro Dzvinchuk Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor, Director of the Institute of Humanities and Public Administration, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine
  • Iryna Ozminska PhD in Philosophy of Education, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Public Administration and Management, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine
  • Mariana Orliv Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor at the Department of Public Administration and Management, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine
  • Victor Petrenko Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Management, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine
Keywords: Leadership Diamond model, leadership characteristics, assessment, development, public servants, design thinking


The article explores the information potential of the Leadership Diamond model and substantiates the conditions of its detection and use in public administration. The expediency of supplementing traditional assessment of leadership interpretation of the vision, ethics, reality, and courage scores under the Leadership Diamond model with additional (secondary) scores through deepening their common interpretation is justified. A new interpretation allows assessing the overall level of leadership of an individual (the level of approximation to the norm of Great Leader) and four derivative additional characteristics (levels of fairness and reliability, moderation and selflessness, courage and piety, wisdom and ability). The proposed method of interpretation provides with an opportunity and information for analytical research and comparison of individual and group scores, identification of personal and group minimum (weaknesses) and maximum (strengths), allows making decisions on substantiated selection, the formation of individual and group development trajectories, improvement and correction of leadership skills of public servants. Therefore, the perspective of further research is the use of this method to develop the level of wisdom and ability of public servants through design thinking methodology.


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How to Cite
Dmytro Dzvinchuk, Iryna Ozminska, Mariana Orliv, & Petrenko, V. (2021). INFORMATION POTENTIAL OF THE LEADERSHIP DIAMOND MODEL: CONDITIONS OF ITS DETECTION AND USE IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science, (1(29).