• Vasquez Marco Angelo International Information Technology University
  • Zamora Susan International Information Technology University
Keywords: classroom management, atmosphere, distraction, environment, indispensable


Disruptive behavior in schools has been a source of concern for school systems for several years. Indeed, the single most common request for assistance from teachers is related to behavior and classroom management (Rose & Gallup, 2005). Classrooms with frequent disruptive behaviors have less academic engaged time, and the students in disruptive classrooms tend to have lower grades and do poorer on standardized tests (Shinn, Ramsey, Walker, Stieber, & O‟Neill, 1987). As a result, the need for classroom management is a must.


Brochure from Level IV Teacher’s Training, The Modern Teacher, Sept., 2009

Mariano Pascual , Ptractice Teaching in the Elementary School, Chapter VII – Discipline and Classroom 3. Management, Manila, Abiva Press

Rose, L. C., & Gallup, A. M. (2005). The 37th annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup poll of the public‟s attitudes toward the public schools. Phi Delta Kappan, 87(1), 41- 57.

RSS Published: March 13, 2012| Updated: August 21, 2015. Calssroom Management of the author for her more thant two decades in the service.

Shinn, M. R., Ramsey, E., Walker, H. M., Stieber, S., & O‟Neill, R. E. (1987). Antisocial behavior in school settings: Initial differences in an at-risk and normal population. The Journal of Special Education, 21, 69-84.





How to Cite
Vasquez Marco Angelo, & Zamora Susan. (2016). EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT. World Science, 5(2(6), 37-40. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/971