• Saydalieva Gulchekhra Tashkent University of Information Technologies
Keywords: Factors, Basic Principles, Applied Linguistics, Internal and External factors, Self- esteem, Self-confidence


“A definition of language,” viewed the British cultural critic, Raymond Williams, “is always, implicitly or explicitly, a definition of human beings in the world” (1977, p. 21). (cited in Kumaravadivelu, 2006).
Languages have two essential features which differentiate it from signals: productivity and structural complexity From the 4,000 to 5,000 languages which are alive, English is by far the most widely used one. Though it doesn’t have an important function in national or social life in some parts of the world it is taught in schools as a foreign language often widely. In Spain, Brazil and Japan, for example, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese are the standard type of communication and instruction: the ordinary citizen does not need English or any other foreign language to live his daily life or even for social or professional development. But it may be seen that the role of English within a nation’s daily life is influenced by geographical, historical, cultural and political factors and the role of English must have an effect on both the way it is taught and the resulting impact on the daily life and personal development. (Broughton, et al. 1980)


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Breen, M. P., Hird, B., Milton, M., Oliver, R., & Thwaite, A. (2001). Making sense of language teaching: Teachers’ principles and classroom practices. New York: Pearson Education

Broughton, G., Brumfit, C., Pincas A. and Wilde D.R., (2003) Teaching English as a Foreign Language 2nd ed. [pdf] London and New York: University of London Institute of Education. Available at: http://bookfi.org/book/644879 [Accessed 5 November 2011] Also available as a printed book: ISBN 0-415-05882-1

Dörnyei, Z. (2001) Motivational strategies in the language classroom, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Ebata M., Motivation Factors in Language Learning The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. XIV, No. 4, April 2008 Available at: http://iteslj.org/Articles/Ebata-MotivationFactors.html

Fattman A.K., Variables affecting the successful learning of English as a second language Vol.10 #4 December 1976. Avaiable at: www.jstor.org/stable/3585524TESOLQuarterly

Kumaravadivelu B, (2006) Understanding Language Teaching From Method to Postmethod [pdf] London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers Available at: http://dl.bookfi.org/genesis/468000/dc5203ebbc2775907d432e9f8507fdc4/_as/[B._Kumaravadivelu]_ Understanding_Language_Teachin(BookFi.org).pdf [Accessed 5 November 2011]

Kumaravadivelu, B., (2003). Beyond Methods: Macrostrategies for Language Teaching [pdf] New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Available at: http://bookfi.org/book/1050965 [Accessed 5 November 2011]





How to Cite
Saydalieva Gulchekhra. (1). FACTORS AFFECTING THE SUCCESS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. World Science, 5(2(6). Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/969