• Stashko Halyna National Linguistic University
Keywords: metaphor, stylistic device, female image, song folklore, American culture


The article describes the use of metaphor in creating female images in American folk songs. The purpose of the author is to investigate how metaphor intensifies female image, which function in the text. Considering the fact that American folk songs are rich in stylistic devices, metaphor proves to be one of the best to evoke feelings and convey emotions in connection to the relevant image. It also appears to be a powerful interpretation means forming the background of the female image. The research results demonstrate that specific negative historical background can stimulate appearance of new metaphors especially in times of political crisis.


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How to Cite
Stashko Halyna. (2016). METAPHOR IN CREATING FEMALE IMAGES (BASED ON AMERICAN SONG FOLKLORE). World Science, 4(2(6), 37-41. Retrieved from