• Темиркулова Ш. А. МКТУ им. Х.А. Ясави
  • Туртаева А. Е. к. м. н. , ЮКГФА
  • Емешева М. А. ЮКГФА
  • Ахметова Р. Ж. ШГ БСМП
  • Тастанбеков Р. И. ШГ БСМП
Keywords: Hypertension, blood pressure


Resistant hypertension can be controlled in the event that blood pressure control is achieved by assigning more products. Otherwise, resistant hypertension is uncontrolled. Elevated blood pressure is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases - coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, stroke, and adverse outcomes. Demonstrated a linear relationship between blood pressure levels and the incidence of complications, and decrease blood pressure as a result of the treatment is accompanied by a proportional reduction in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, regardless of baseline blood pressure. The majority of treatment regimens resistant hypertension include diuretics. Given the existing patients with resistant hypertension hidden volume overload, even when treated with a diuretic in standard dosage, the latter should be administered in the maximally tolerated dose. Diuretic dose gradually increased to the maximum allowable. The presence of resistant hypertension stimulates the development of non-drug methods of influence on the pathogenetic mechanisms of the disease. The efficacy and safety of endovascular renal denervation actively studied worldwide. To date, studies completed Symplicity HTN-1,2; conducted research HTN-3 and Duration of Renal Sympathetic Activation and Hypertension. The studies have shown the effectiveness of a method to reduce blood pressure in resistant hypertension, as well as its safety. Maximum duration of follow-up was 2 years, by the end of this period, blood pressure reduction was an average of about 30/10 mm Hg


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How to Cite
Темиркулова Ш. А., Туртаева А. Е., Емешева М. А., Ахметова Р. Ж., & Тастанбеков Р. И. (2016). НОВЫЕ ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ ЛЕЧЕНИЯ РЕЗИСТЕНТНОЙ АРТЕРИАЛЬНОЙ ГИПЕРТЕНЗИИ. World Science, 3(2(6), 54-56. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/912