• Алиев З. Г. Д. ф.а. н. проф., Институт Эрозии и Орошения НАН Азербайджанской республики
Keywords: agriculture


Efficiency hydro ameliorative supply of the agriculture as a whole husbandries concretely depends on accuracy agro meteorology to information, which is defined accuracy of the measurement agro meteorology parameter (moisture of ground and under land to surfaces of the land, the temperature of ground and air, evaporations, solar radiation, resistibility stalk plants, turbidities irrigation water, and etc), as well as accuracy agro meteorology forecast hanging from accuracy of the measurement agro meteorology factors.
In article is expressed, mathematical device for operative calculation and determinations and agro ameliorative parameter. In ditto time of our premises proves that the largest economic and ecological effect from introduction agro meteorology recommendation possible to get only then, when they are calculated on level separate facilities with inclination to concrete decisions at development ecological clean technology under growing agro culture cultures to achieve the maximum harvest.
At value to information given to accuracy, got by miscellaneous facility very important agro meteorology at optimization parameter.


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How to Cite
Алиев З. Г. (2016). ОПЕРАТИВНАЯ ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ РЕЖИМА ОРОШЕНИЯ С/Х КУЛЬТУР В УСЛОВИЯХ АЗЕРБАЙДЖАНА. World Science, 2(2(6), 51-56. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/868