• Korzhenko K. A Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of marketing Ukraine, Kharkov, Kharkov Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University
Keywords: corporate style, trade enterprise, identity, unity, integrity, formation


The article is devoted to the formation of corporate style of the trade enterprises. The priority of corporate style in the system of non-price promotion a trade entities on the market in the temporally competitive environment has been dedicated. The features of identification a brand by the consumers have been defined. The necessity of incorporation identity, integrity, comprehensiveness and unity of all elements in the formation of corporate style has been proved. Considered the eight stages of the corporate style’s formation, these are: preparation; the concept and strategy definition; the development of ideas; the visualization of forms; the logo’s creation; the development of essential elements of corporate style; the formation of brand book and/or haydlayn; the potential protection.
The main goals, objectives and functions of the corporate style have been set. The major directions of development and of implementation of corporate style, such as unity of form (external image) and the unity of behaviors in the internal and external environment have been caused. The basic principles, which should be based on the formation of corporate style, which are: the principle of originality, relevance, plasticity, simplicity of perception and focus on the target audience have been established.


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How to Cite
Korzhenko K. A. (2016). THE FORMATION OF CORPORATE STYLE TRADE ENTERPRISES. World Science, 2(2(6), 27-28. Retrieved from