• Гаджиєв Едуард Назімович Україна, Харків, «Український Науково-Дослідний Інститут Екологічних Проблем»
Keywords: cleaning efficiency, dust-cleaning equipment, fine dust, thermal insulation materials, mineral wool, dispersed dust composition


The problem of air pollution with environmentally hazardous dust with a particle size of up to 10 microns at plants for the production of thermal insulation materials is considered. The purpose of this work is to study the dispersed composition of dust in the production of insulation materials (such as mineral wool), and to determine the effectiveness of the existing gas cleaning equipment, which traps pollutants. The dispersed composition of the dust generated at the plant for the production of thermal insulation materials, and the dispersed composition of the dust collected by the dust-cleaning equipment was investigated. Experimentally and with the use of computer programs, it has been established that the efficiency of extracting fine dust from dust- cleaning equipment does not exceed 78%. It is established that the dust of mineral wool entering the aspiration system is dominated by particles with a size from 2.5 microns to 25 microns. Dust with a SiO2 content of up to 70%, which is released during unloading and transportation of raw materials (dolomite, basalt), enters the atmospheric air without purification. At the same time, particles with a size of up to 60 microns and up to 72 microns dominate in atmospheric air, respectively. The main characteristics of the dust necessary for the objective selection of dust-cleaning equipment are determined.


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How to Cite
Гаджиєв Едуард Назімович. (2019). ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ДИСПЕРСНОГО СКЛАДУ ПИЛУ ПРИ ВИРОБНИЦТВІ ТЕПЛОІЗОЛЯЦІЙНИХ МАТЕРІАЛІВ. World Science, 1(2(42), 18-23. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/28022019/6348