• Шелудько С. А. Одесский национальный экономический университет
Keywords: discount rate, foreign exchange regulation, inflation, monetary regulation, monetary rule, Taylor rule


The article is dedicated to the existing methods of today's determine the optimal level of the central bank's discount rate. It is carried out a brief review of the scientific literature on this problem. It is made a comparative analysis of discount and similar rates of central banks of Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Russia. The analysis found that the NBU' discount rate is now the highest among other states. It is given detailed characteristics compared to the dynamics of base rates and the inflation performance of the economy of Ukraine and Poland. The result found that the regulation of the discount rate in Poland in the period under review was much more consistent than in Ukraine. It is researched the theoretical base of the so-called J. Taylor's "monetary rule". It is reviewed and analyzed compliance NBU' discount rate to its theoretically reasonable level. The analysis found that a significant deviation of the actual level of the rate can be explained by the low accuracy of forecasts of the NBU, caused by a high proportion of the influence of non-economic factors that are difficult to predict in advance. It is characterized modern criticism of "Taylor rule" and presented an own view. It is proved that today is not a necessary step modernization of the overall equation that Taylor proposed, but only the development of its special case for the stagflation period of the economic cycle.


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How to Cite
Шелудько С. А. (2016). ПРОШЛОЕ И БУДУЩЕЕ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ОПТИМАЛЬНОГО УРОВНЯ УЧЕТНОЙ СТАВКИ ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОГО БАНКА. World Science, 5(1(5), 68-72. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/728