In the article it is formed the author's approach to the systematization of exogenous factors of macroenvironment that affect the activities of banks. It is advisable during the formation of the author's a proach to use scientific developments, which are devoted to systematization the factors, affecting the activities of banks, since the cash flows, as it was founded, are the results of it.
Summarizing approaches of scientists, in this article the term «factors of influence on the cash flows of banks» is offered to understand as the phenomena or processes of the banks activity in the exogenous environment, leading to a change in the quantitative and / or qualitative parameters of the cash flows.
It should be noted that as a form of structuring factors influencing the activities of banks, scientists identify the following features: a place of occurrence (exogenous and endogenous); a scale of impact on the achievement of goals (major and minor), a structure (simple and complex), a duration of impact (permanent, temporary and force-majeure); a direction of influence (positive and negative); a content (political, legal, economic, social, technological, informational, organizational, etc.); a scale of the impact (general, specific and individual); the possibility of appearance (real or potential) and others.
Exogenous factors of macroenvironment are those, which have an indirect and delayed in time influence on the cash flows of the banks, which, in this case, can be very significant. Considering the above, we believe that in order to achieve long-term goals of cash flows management in a bank needs a strategic analysis of exogenous factors of the macroenvironment and predicting their changes. In additional, it is a necessary to select the trend, cyclical and structural components.
Summarizing the results of the research of factors affecting the quantitative characteristics of the cash flows of banks it is suggested to structure them as exogenous factors of the macroenvironment associated with the impact on banks and other economic agents of political, legal, social and economic processes in which the banks and their clients are operating, directly (through the influence on the development of banking policy and strategy) or indirectly (through the impact on the financial condition of the customers and their ability to use the services of the bank) affecting the supply and demand for certain bank's services and their cost.
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