• Podvirna Kh. Ye. Candidate of the geographical sciences, Lviv Institute of Economics and Tourism
Keywords: logistics of international tourism, international tourism, international tourism activity of Ukraine, international transport corridors, international tourist business


The article gives general analysis of logistical arrangements for international tourism activities of Ukraine. Under the conditions of intensification of globalization processes in the economy and competition at the tourism market the problems of formation of customer service quality according to global requirements are of great importance. International tourism as a highly effective currency basis of revenues and most profitable form of services export makes it possible to solve many social and economic problems in countries that are actively developing this area. These factors of international tourism show development in Ukraine, the characteristics of international tourist flows and financial flows of international tourism in Ukraine. The share of the total international tourist trade is about 7%. Thus in absolute terms, they are second only to incomes from trade of oil and oil products and auto export at the world market, almost twice exceeding the incomes from trade of hardware, nearly tripled from trade of television and radio sets, more than tripled from trade of grain and gas. Tourism for the times of its existence has evolved from a remote vacation into mass recovery industry for representatives at all levels of the population around the world. International tourism has become part of economic and social development and one of the most characteristic manifestations of globalization. In 2013 Ukraine was recognized as an international tourist portal «Globe Spots» as one of the most interesting tourist destinations. This is due to the fact that Ukraine is increasing in popularity for weekend tours according to the following areas - Lviv, Crimea, Odessa, Kamyanets-Podilskyi and Transcarpathian region, but due to the unstable situation in the country today it is difficult to say something about the development of tourism. Much attention is paid to the influence of international transport corridors on the development of logistics of international tourism of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Podvirna Kh. Ye. (2016). LOGISTICAL ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL TOURIST ACTIVITY OF UKRAINE. World Science, 5(1(5), 52-55. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/715