It is believed that one of the most perspective ways to reduce traumatizing corn seeds at kernels thresh is using the roller threshing drums. But till nowadays there are no corn roller threshing drums which are stock-produced. To come to an argumentum conclusion of feasibility and applying the roller threshing drums at the selection stage, sort testing and initial corn seed farming we have carried out a special research.
All known at present constructions of roller threshing drums can be divided into three basic types.
I type – three drum roller threshing drums. In these devices the rollers are put at an angle 1200 relative to each other. They can be placed as at an angle to the vertical so as parallel to each other.
II type – parallel-sided threshing drums. As a rule, they are two drum roller threshing devices. The rollers have a spiral winding to move kernels. The kernels are pressed to the rollers by special devices[3].
III type – planetary threshing drums. The kernels are pressed to the rollers by the centrifugal force of inertia at the planetary drum rotation.
In this article the three roller threshing drum to thresh corn kernels at the first stage of selection is studied. On the basis of the research done in the Kubansky SAU [1], we suggest a scheme of the three roller threshing drum providing a higher quality of corn thresh in comparison with existing constructions.
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