• Bezukladova I. Y. C. ph. s., Tambov State University after G. R. Derzhavin
Keywords: objective knowledge, cognitive structures, language structures, cognitive linguistics


The article concerns the evolution of the scientific views of the cognition and language correlation, the cognitive and language structures from the classical epistemology and constructivism to the modern stage of the cognitive linguistics development. The research done in plane of the cognitive linguistics, psychology, neurophysiology, psychophysiology, cognitive linguistics and some other sciences show that the material structures of brain and physical processes running in it are available to observe and fixate only due to the language.
The main merit of the cognitive linguistics is studying the language as a means opening the way to the analysis of the cognitive human abilities as the only instrument providing an access to the human consciousness. The language is considered as a way of objectification of existing in our consciousness different and varied levels structures of the world knowledge. The linguists-cognitivists admit the key role of the human and the human factor in cognition processes. A great number of researches are devoted to studying mass and individual knowledge.
It is important to understand the cognition process both as a process of human interaction with the environment so as an inter-subjective process. The social dependency of human cognition allows us to speak about the socially generated sense and meaning that is determined by all cognitive human system. The definition of what is understood by knowledge has fundamentally changed: by knowledge in the cognitive linguistics plane we understand not the collection of accidental, separate facts but the set of data united into a definite structured system. Hence, we speak not about knowledge in general but about the knowledge represented in the language.


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How to Cite
Bezukladova I. Y. (2016). THE LANGUAGE AND HUMAN COGNITIVE ACTIVITY. World Science, 4(1(5), 40-42. Retrieved from