• Турк С. Н. К. и. н., ФГБОУ ВПО «Кубанский государственный аграрный университет»
Keywords: power, politics, gender inequality, political participation, political activity, feminism


The article is devoted to problems of women's participation in the political process of modern Egypt. The author explores the roots of gender inequality in power relations and the phenomenon of female political leadership. The article discusses the dynamics of women's political participation in Egypt in the second half of XX – beginning of XXI centuries identifies the causes of low representation of women in politics of Egypt. The role of women in politics. According to the Egyptian Constitution, men and women have equal rights and equal opportunities for their implementation, but in practice, in political life, continues to exist a significant difference between de jure and de facto in the field of equal participation of women in the highest power structures and decision-making. Women of Egypt are outsiders in the political sphere, they have been traditionally weak in the legislative bodies occupy few leading positions in the government. The policy is traditionally considered a male domain. The representation of women in bodies of political power is characterized by gender asymmetry. The dominance of men in political structures, women's low level of self-consciousness, lack of support from parties and mass media, the lack of appropriate linkages with various community organizations – all this serves as a serious barrier to increasing the representation of women in politics. In masculine-orientirovana society's political system contains in itself a tendency to block the entrance of women to preserve the Patriarchal status quo. The dominance of men in political structures, women's low level of self-consciousness, lack of support from parties and mass media, the lack of appropriate linkages with various community organizations – all this serves as a serious barrier to increasing the representation of women in politics. In masculine-orientirovana society's political system contains in itself a tendency to block the entrance of women to preserve the Patriarchal status quo. Very often it is declared to be a concern of society about women who need to protect against “dirty politics” and save for the family as the primary place of their activities.


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How to Cite
Турк С. Н. (2016). ГЕНДЕРНЫЙ АСПЕКТ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОГО УЧАСТИЯ ЖЕНЩИН В ЕГИПТЕ ВО ВТОРОЙ ПОЛОВИНЕ ХХ – НАЧАЛЕ ХХI вв. World Science, 4(1(5), 34-37. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/653