• Липська Л. В. Канд. пед. наук, Київський національний лінгвістичний університет
Keywords: education, information technology, computer, marketing, training, systems


In the article the features of introduction of information technologies are in an educational process, as readiness to the use of IT future marketing specialists are by the obligatory qualifying sign of specialists, as well as minimum professional competence, as marketing activity is indissolubly related to mastering and use of modern information technologies. At preparation of future marketing specialists a large value has ability by them to create and use multimedia presentations. Future marketing specialists must be also able to use the various programs: graphic, fleshanimations, Web-editor, by the programs for creation of presentations, by the programs for work with a sound and video and others like that. The special value in modern terms has the use the Internet in preparation of future marketing specialists.
For success of the labour marketing specialists must get and process the enormous amount of data, volume and variety of that grow extraordinarily rapid rates. Future marketing specialists must to perfection own these technologies that give an opportunity to work more powerful to all, more effective and with greater penetration in key client initiatives leaning on a cloud. The use of modern information technologies on all areas of process is the noticeable aspect of increase of efficiency of marketing activity, as, marketing is important today, as never before.


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How to Cite
Липська Л. В. (2016). ВПРОВАДЖЕННЯ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНИХ ТЕХНОЛОГІЙ У НАВЧАЛЬНИЙ ПРОЦЕС ЯК ЗАПОРУКА ФАХОВОЇ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ МАЙБУТНІХ МАРКЕТОЛОГІВ. World Science, 3(1(5), 37-38. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/622