• Левицька В. А. здобувач кафедри іноземних мов, Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування
Keywords: linguistic education, teacher of Polish, professional preparation, professional competence, European measuring of education


The article is devoted the question of professional preparation of teachers of Polish at senior school.
Professional preparation of teachers is the social phenomenon and social-pedagogical process, which has the protracted character which is oriented on modern innovative processes.
Today preparation of teachers-philologists takes on the special significance taking into account globalization and integration processes, investigation of which the origin of hybrid world culture, loss of national traditions and languages, can become in Europe. Presently the certificate of it is a decline of linguistic literacy of population of the leading European countries, as the mother tongue and literature is not only facilities of receipt of education but also inalienable part of its maintenance. For this reason in the new paradigm of development of higher education of foreign countries a main place belongs to the improvement of professional preparation of teachers of the mother tongue, growth of professional competence of teachers, in the context of dialog of cultures.
Future teachers must be ready to the changes and perfection educational-educate process, development of new technologies of upgrading education.
Therefore an important problem stands before modern school and teacher – to cause interest to the studies on the whole, and especially to the study of Polish, through the increase of internal motivation of schoolboys. A teacher must be so adjusted, that every student had motivation on success.


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How to Cite
Левицька В. А. (2016). ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ПІДГОТОВКИ ВЧИТЕЛЯ РІДНОЇ МОВИ ДЛЯ РОБОТИ У СТАРШІЙ ШКОЛІ ПОЛЬЩІ. World Science, 3(1(5), 33-36. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/621