• Гурєєва Л. В. НТУУ «КПІ»,
  • Коломієць С. С. К. пед. н., НТУУ «КПІ»
Keywords: control in translation and interpreting, assessment and testing, testing system, quality control system, monitoring


The article deals with the relevant questions concerning the modern trends in control and assessment of translation and interpreting training. The authors analyzed the approaches to the issue of control in the learning process, the lack of fundamental empirical research of a translator / interpreter competence, productivity and the quality evaluation system in translation and interpreting, as well as the lack of fundamental works aimed at the development of the quality control system in translation. For this reason, the issue of control in translation and interpreting training is important and presents great theoretical and practical interest. The concepts of objects, methods and results of assessment and testing are described in the article. The control in teaching translation is regarded not only as the identification of learning results, but mainly as a way of learning, which makes it a component of practice. The article also addresses the issues required to improve the control system and to create the reliable assessment and testing system. The issues of translation competence and complex translation skills, the necessity to use authentic texts while creating a system of exercises is discussed. The assessment and testing of the translation and interpreting practice, which is a highly complex activity, requires the involvement of not only practicing interpreters and foreign language teachers but also scientists who studying the issue. The analysis of different types of translation/interpreting and the test development to monitor the formation of professional skills of future translators and interpreters are the prospects for further research.


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How to Cite
Гурєєва Л. В., & Коломієць С. С. (2016). СУЧАСНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО ОРГАНІЗАЦІЇ КОНТРОЛЮ У НАВЧАННІ ПЕРЕКЛАДУ. World Science, 3(1(5), 25-28. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/618