• Ковальчук Наталія кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри методики викладання і культури української мови Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету
Keywords: competence, competency punctuation, formation, dynamics of development, the level of competence of the punctuation


Implementation of educational tasks needs substantial strengthening of independent and productive activity of schoolboys, development of their personality qualities, creative capabilities, abilities independently to obtain new knowledge and work out problems, oriented in life of society.
It needs the proper system of changes in maintenance of education.
Consequently, in basis of linguistic competence we can select syntactic and punctuation, which in Ukrainian are formed in intercommunication, that found a reflection in the name of sections “Syntax and punctuation”.
The process of forming of punctuation competence includes such stages:
1)a search of display of key communicative is in every concrete theme;
2)planning of punctuation competence is on all of degrees of studies;
3)a reflection of punctuation competence is in educational standards, programs, textbooks andmethods of studies.
Consequently, forming of maintenance of punctuation jurisdiction takes a place in three basic levels.
First level of general theoretical presentation, the forms of fixing of which is development of maintenance of theoretical punctuation competence, determination of its composition, structure, functions.
The second level is a level of educational object, where a specification of composition, structure, functions of maintenance of theoretical material is from a punctuation. He is fixed in the standards of education, curricula and teaching methods.
The third level is a level of educational material from a punctuation, when composition, structure and functions of study of punctuation, is fixed in form textbooks and other facilities of studies, the subsequent specification of maintenance of educational object is here carried out, in particular and punctuations.
Thus, testifies grounds component of punctuation competence to its multilevel character, importance of its forming for development of personality of students. Perspective, in our view, there is research of ways of forming of punctuation material, study of criteria of evaluation of level of punctuation jurisdiction.


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How to Cite
Ковальчук Наталія. (2016). СКЛАДОВІ ПУНКТУАЦІЙНОЇ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ. World Science, 3(1(5), 21-25. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/617