• Іванцова О. П. Кандидат педагогічних наук, Житомирський військовий інститут ім. С. П. Корольова
Keywords: informatization, intellectualization, khowledge, technology


The article describes the process of informatization of modern society. Information has recently become a global nature; the movement of information flow has not substantially affect national borders and different barriers; significantly increased the possibility of collecting, processing, storage and transmission of information, access to it; growing impact of information on development of various spheres of human activity; deepening decentralization of society; the transition to new forms of employment; the process of formation of new workforce by increasing the number of employees in the information industry. Supports the idea that informatization has supported intellectualization of every person and of society as a whole. The origin of information technology and the emergence of computer-information abrupt stimulate development. The informational terms, this is equivalent to the new information revolution.The main point of the article is the fact that information has a value, and correct information is priceless. It is therefore necessary to enrich the learning process the interactive methods for the development of memory, quickly mastering reading and associative learning.


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How to Cite
Іванцова О. П. (2016). ІНФОРМАТИЗАЦІЯ СУЧАСНОГО СУСПІЛЬСТВА. World Science, 3(1(5), 19-21. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/616