• Вітюк В. В. Канд. пед. наук, Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки
  • Зуйко К. В. Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки
Keywords: pedagogical technologies, informational-computer technologies, multimedia, multimedia presentation, lessons of school and after-school reading, Ukrainian sites


At the beginning of 21st century it becomes obvious that society enters new informational epoch. According to requirements of modern informational society the aim of educational process is not only to give knowledge, but also create a stable motivation to learning, to prompt students to self-education which concerns with their creative thinking, to teach them how to be oriented in a great flow of information getting from Internet, computerized means of education, multimedia.
Nowadays, in the age when informational-computer technologies absorb into nearly each sphere of life, it is difficult to imagine modern education without computer. It has become a common thing at school. Introduction of multimedia presentations becomes urgent need at a primary level of education. It seems, there is not anything more simple that to refuse informational-computer technologies in favor of cheaper and more accessible ones, such as a book, a blackboard, a piece of chalk and to teach in a way we were taught. But what can this pupil achieve in a modern information society? We can forget about growth of elite, leaders and future managers using old technologies. We can not be teachers of yesterday in school of future. Multimedia presentation means a logical chain of slides, which are combined into one theme and have a common principle of representation. By its help the teacher can not only represent the theme material, which is learnt, but also to develop students' logical and algorithmic thinking. It can be achieved by the help of the common logical scheme of building of presentation. Multimedia promotes the creation of conditions for organizing of work in the way of combination of educational material and implementation of its successful reception by the help of different types of memory: visual, auditory, emotional and others.
The analysis of Ukrainian sites for students of primary schools proves that with the aim of formation of reading interest it is needed to use sites which can be used by younger students in search of an interesting book, proverb, riddles, pictures, to do a report in a certain question, to understand the work of librarian catalogue and to find the necessary literature by its help.
To sum up, the introduction of multimedia presentation at the lessons of literary reading allows to realize modern pedagogical technologies at a higher level and to provide higher results.


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How to Cite
Вітюк В. В., & Зуйко К. В. (2016). ВИКОРИСТАННЯ МУЛЬТИМЕДІЙНИХ ПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЙ НА УРОКАХ ЛІТЕРАТУРНОГО ЧИТАННЯ. World Science, 3(1(5), 14-16. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/613