• Бондаренко І.С. К. філол. н., доцент, Запорізький національний університет
Keywords: Image, Image Studies, Imagemaking, Culture, Fashion, Style


The article analyzes Image Studies as an innovative scientific and technological discipline of Humanitarian Studies concept that has integrated the combination of humanities, art history and natural studies. The author emphasizes: Image Studies’ mission is to help people to apply methods of effective individual projections in the daily life interactions that have been gained during centuries, to gain moral and psychological confidence in business communication, realize your own body as a unique model and the fundamental principle of their creativity. The category of visuality, which is principal in postmodern culture, is also studied.
The article states: intensification of communication processes in modern society requires significant individual psychological and intellectual resources to manage self impressions and shaping one’s own image, which is a necessary element for successful self-fulfillment. Therefore, today, an imagemaker profession (imagemaker specialist (consultant) who knows how to apply imagemaking technologies efficiently) is very popular. The need for this profession is due primarily to a new socio-cultural, economic and political format of Ukrainian society and phenomenon of free competition in all spheres of human life and structures of society – starting with the competition between people, groups of people, and ending with the competition between enterprises, organizations, products and services. In such market relations person tries to express oneself, to make a good impression, to create a catchy individual image. The image is considered as an external public image of a person who meets certain social expectations.


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How to Cite
Бондаренко І.С. (2016). КУЛЬТУРНО-ОСВІТНІЙ ПОТЕНЦІАЛ ІМІДЖОЛОГІЇ У СИСТЕМІ ГУМАНІТАРНИХ ЗНАНЬ. World Science, 3(1(5), 10-12. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/598