• Loskutova M. Russian State Hydrometeorological University
  • Aniskina O. Dr. Russian State Hydrometeorological University
Keywords: atmospheric circulation rolls, mathematical modeling of Ekman boundary layer, cloud streets, helicity


The purpose of this paper is to define and examine the mechanism and possible causes of such type of circulation in the atmospheric boundary layer as rolls. The article is a kind of survey. The history of roll discovery and investigation is briefly described as well as supposed mechanisms of their emergence such as convective, dynamic and parallel instability. Their representative scales and lifetime in the boundary layer are also described. The paper focuses on mathematical description and modeling of circulation by considering the main simplifications and approaches. The attempts to simulate rolls by using the simultaneous solution of systems of equations of the mean flow and rolls are described. The modified profiles of wind speed that take into account the presence of helicity in the boundary layer are used for modeling of the mean flow. The inclusion of helicity is appeared to make a significant contribution in the simulation of boundary layer processes. Roll simulation over the Black sea coast using the model of regional atmospheric circulation Advanced Research WRF 3.3.1 is also presented. Using different parameterizations allows through numerical experiments to consider dynamic processes occurring on the border of the “land – sea” and to examine the contribution of hydrodynamic instabilities of various types of roll formation.


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How to Cite
Loskutova M., & Aniskina O. (2016). EKMAN LAYER ROLLS AND THEIR MATHEMATICAL MODELING. World Science, 1(1(5), 59-63. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/594
Physics and Mathematics