Taking into account the recommendations of the FIP/WHO joint guidelines for GPP "Good pharmacy practice: standards for quality of pharmacy services", the global experience of the pharmacy and legal regulation of pharmaceutical activities in Ukraine we offered the Guidance of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP), which focused on content, functional and role-based approach to the development of national pharmacy practice standards, by the terms of cooperation of public professional, scientific and educational organizations. We consider the national standard of GPP as an interconnected groups of tasks aimed at ensuring the performance of individual roles and functions of pharmacy specialists. The proposed project structure of the national standard of GPP complies with the generally accepted normative document construction, requirements for stage properties (standard name, subject of regulation, date of adoption) and structure (introductory part, sections, annexes). The Guidance of GPP also establishes the procedure for development of standard operating procedure (SOP) for effective use in practice with the peculiarities of each pharmacy. As follows, based on the materials, the process model of GPP implementation in pharmacies of Ukraine was proposed and the expediency of developing its components, namely the Guidance of GPP, national standards of GPP and SOPs was provided.
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