Urgency. Periodontal disease is the most common human diseases. As etiologic factors among systemic diseases an important role is played by disorders of the sexual system, especially in women. Due to the use of hormonal contraceptives with estrogens, they have developed periodontal disease. For the treatment of these lesions a special method of treatment is proposed. Laser Doppler flowmetry was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.
Aim: To determine the clinical effectiveness of the proposed method of complex treatment of periodontal diseases in women taking hormonal contraceptives for pregnancy planning, by estimating the blood flow in periodontal microvessels by laser Doppler flowmetry.
Materials and methods. Clinical studies performed on a group of 130 women taking hormonal contraceptives for pregnancy planning with periodontal diseases. Patients were conducted a comprehensive examination of periodontal tissue before treatment and after treatment. To evaluate the clinical efficacy of treatment used Schiller-Pisarev test 1962), the index of PMA by C.Parma (1961), hygienic index by Green J.C., Vermillion J.R. (1964). Laser Doppler Flowmetry was used to evaluate the treatment efficacy.
Results. As a result of the study it was found that the use of the proposed method of treatment with the drug "Normoven" can more effectively suppress dystrophic-inflammatory process in the tissues of the periodontium. This confirms ин the reduction of periodontal indices, improvement of oral hygiene, improvement of microcirculation in the tissues of periodontal patients.
Conclusions. The application of the proposed treatment method increases the level of microcirculation in the gums of women with periodontal diseases who have taken oral contraceptives for the purpose of pregnancy planning.
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