• Gunsen Ganbaatar Mechanics and Mechatronics sector, School of Mechanical engineering and Transportation, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
  • Yadam Renchinvanjil Mechanics and Mechatronics sector, School of Mechanical engineering and Transportation, Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Keywords: sifting, trajectory, screen, comparing angles, rotation.


There are studies showing that 10% of the total energy generated in the world is spent on crushing and sifting and sorting processes in mining sectors. 52.7% of the total mining industries extract metal ores, and 36.3% of them extract coal. It can be seen that there is a need for sorting the materials with particles in these sectors. According to the needs, the energy expenditure is high and the devices and equipment used still maintain their traditional designs and makes. The process of sorting out the materials with particles is sifted by the flat-surfaced, trommel-shaped, and cylindrical mesh surfaces positioned on the vertical axis. The above methods are still in use, and this becomes the basis of mechanical sifting methods. Therefore, the researchers continue to work on perfecting the above methods. The goal of this research work is to survey and determine the possibility that changes in the designs of sifting equipment with the trommels can improve the influences that are created during the sifting process, the efficiency of sifting, and the productivity of the device or equipment. In this research work, with the purpose to improve the parameters of sifting materials with particles, we will change the design of the cylindrical trommel of the cross trommel sieve, which is often used in the sifting process to the axle to its axis, and in order to confirm the results of the experiment by determining the CAD analysis of axle trommel and the movement of one particle inside of it using the ADAMS software, the experiment on the real equipment shall be rationalized by putting into the mathematic modeling, develop the physical modeling using the “EDEM solution” software and process the results.


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How to Cite
Gunsen Ganbaatar, & Yadam Renchinvanjil. (2022). RESEARCH OF DESIGNS OF THE AXIAL DRUM EQUIPMENT OF STONE MATERIAL SORTING. World Science, (4(76).
Engineering Sciences