The concept of research is based on the needs of a network of practice bases, based on the use of theories and concepts of psychology, sociology, pedagogy, social work and other humanities, the study of laws and approaches to understanding the content of interprofessional interaction.
The content of the research concept is to develop a procedural model of training professionals in the social sphere to interprofessional interaction and implemented on 2 levels: theoretical-methodological and practical, each of which is represented by a set of scientific approaches.
The methodological basis of the research is systematic, terminological, socio- systematic, structural-activity and synergetic, sociological, and competent methodological approaches.
The result of obtaining future specialists in the social sphere of high-quality vocational education is a set of acquired in the higher educational institution acquired competences in the process of learning: educational-cognitive, interpersonal interaction, communicative, intercultural, socio-cultural and technical (skills).
The structure of the content of vocational education, which includes the following components: social, psychological and pedagogical, methodical, is defined in order to determine the effectiveness of the training of future specialists in the social sphere at a higher educational establishment. Determining the role of interdisciplinary material in the classroom will help to understand the nature of the interaction between the elements of individual disciplines - linear (new knowledge serves to deepen the already acquired); the opposite (new knowledge specifies or directs the assimilated earlier information); problem (new knowledge creates conditions for solving educational problem). Correct building classes will help to understand the nature of content relationships that can be synchronous, reproductive, and promising. In practice, an interdisciplinary approach can be implemented in two main areas: the relationship between different sciences (disciplines), without violating their autonomy, uniqueness, originality; interdisciplinaryism acts as a real tool for the consolidation of sciences (disciplines), the further development of which is crucial for both science and education.
The chosen integration methodological approach of the study does not exclude the trilateral structure of the marked interprofessional interaction in the form of a combination of motivational, target and implementation (executive) planes. The result of obtaining future specialists in the social sphere of high-quality professional education is a set of acquired in the process of studying in the institution of higher education competencies. This is evidenced, in particular, by the analysis of professionally important competences that, according to respondents, should be characteristic of specialists in the social sphere
The results obtained prompted us to investigate, and what, according to experts, is the basis of interprofessional interaction.
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