• Барна О. С. народний депутат України 8-го скликання, аспірант кафедри парламентаризму та політичного менеджменту Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, Україна, м. Київ
Keywords: ideological foundations, humanitarian space, values, consciousness, social consolidation


The article substantiates the claim that ideology, in the broadest sense, is a mechanism of social solidarity formation, based on the shared experience of adapting the outside world to real relations (often in the form of symbolic constructions - myths, symbols, representations), which revealed the same assessments / attitudes. and formed common values that constitute the identity of the individual and his / her belonging to a particular large group of people. It is proved that today there is a strategic task - overcoming the consequences of the hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which requires the formation of a humanitarian space based on ideological principles and values, which divides the whole society, by consolidating the efforts of the authorities and the public on the formation and implementation of purposeful humanitarian education, culture, restoration of historical memory, a balanced policy in the field of state- confessional relations and language policy. The accomplishment of this task will increase the resistance of the state and society to external threats.


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How to Cite
Барна О. С. (2019). ІДЕОЛОГІЯ ЯК НАУКОВА КАТЕГОРІЯ ТА ЧИННИК ФОРМУВАННЯ ГУМАНІТАРНОГО ПРОСТОРУ УКРАЇНИ. World Science, 1(8(48), 32-37. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/31082019/6627
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