Colorectal cancer is an extremely urgent issue in modern medicine. This disease is often complicated by anemia, which has specific pathogenetics mechanisms of development and forms a mutual burden syndrome of diseases in cancer patients. The anemic syndrome is accompanied by the development of tissue hypoxia, which in turn activates the processes of oxidative stress and leads to increased release of biologically active compounds, in particular, biogenic amines. One of these is histamine. Its high concentrations cause spasm of the arterioles, which exacerbates tissue hypoxia. We have examined (n=153) patients with colorectal cancer without anemia, (n=75) patients with colorectal cancer complicated by
malignant tumor anemia, and (n=53) patients with iron deficiency anemia. The content of plasma free serotonin fractions was determined by the fluorometric method proposed by Mikhailychenko B.V., Vydyborets S.V. (1999). The patients with iron deficiency anemia and malignant tumor anemia have shown to have a significant increase in plasma free histamine, compared with the control group and the group of patients with colorectal cancer with out anemia. Plasma free histamine was increasing together with the severity of anemia. The article discusses the feasibility of using the content of plasma free histamine, as an option, to assess the state of compensation of secondary metabolic disorders in iron deficiency anemia
and malignant tumor anemia during treatment and its possible differential diagnostic value.
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