• Sultanova Z.S. профессор, д-р с.-х. наук, Нукусский филиал Ташкентского государственного аграрного университета, Узбекистан https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9273-026X
  • Khudaibergenov Bakhtiyar научный сотрудник Каракалпакской экспериментальной станции НИИ зерна и зернобобовых культур,Узбекистан
  • Uteuliev Janibek Нукусский филиал Ташкентского государственного аграрного университета, Узбекистан
  • Султанов Бахадыр Каракалпакский государственный университет, Узбекистан
Keywords: quinoa, phenology, groats, rates of mineral fertilizers, productivity, crop structure.


The article presents the results of studying five varieties of quinoa in the conditions of the Southern Aral Sea region, which is very different from other agricultural zones in Uzbekistan by the lack of irrigation water and different soil salinity. It was revealed that quinoa varieties grow well in moderately saline soil and climatic conditions of the zone and form yields close to such conditions. The highest productivity indices were formed by varieties Ames 13761 (Q3) and NSL 106398 (Q5). The application of mineral fertilizers contributed to the accumulation of a higher yield. A cost-effective option for using mineral fertilizers is considered to be the N180P80K60 rate. Further increases in fertilizer rates do not cover the cost of increasing yields of quinoa varieties.


Список использованных источников

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How to Cite
Sultanova Z.S., Khudaibergenov Bakhtiyar, Uteuliev Janibek, & Султанов Бахадыр. (2021). YIELD OF QUINOA VARIETIES AT DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION RATES. World Science, (1(62). https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30012021/7409