The higher education development Strategies for 2010 – 2020 as well as the universities development Strategies include sections indicating the key role of the teacher in the framework of providing the quality of the education and the university rank, by extension. However, it does not specify the ways and means of supporting the teacher professional growth. The urgency of this scientific research is based on the theoretical substantiation of the individual strategy of teacher professional growth as an effective mechanism for supporting their professional growth.
The purpose of this scientific intelligence is to consider and theoretically substantiate the individual strategy of the teacher professional growth as an innovative technology for supporting the professional growth of teachers of the management departments in the universities of the Republic of Poland. The issues associated with the implementation of development strategies in Polish universities are characterized.
It is established that the process of creating a growth strategy for teachers of management departments in the universities of the Republic of Poland should include the following stages: preparatory (analysis of own potential, motivation, coordination of the individual strategy with the strategy of university and its structural divisions development); formative (formation of a strategic goal, strategic targets, tasks; building up a professional growth trajectory, vertical or horizontal one); content-procedural (formal, informal, informational education; development strategies for 4 components of the professional activity of teachers of the management departments in the universities of the RP); the fourth stage is reflexive (monitoring of own professional activity, stimulation, self-esteem, its comparison with the assessment of the head of the department, students and adjustment actions).
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