The article presents the experience of using Moodle's (http://www.moodle.npu.edu.ua/) educational content management system at the Dragomanov National Pedagogical University with the aim of introducing participatory teaching methods. The relevance and expediency of using Moodle's educational content management system in psychological and pedagogical preparation of future specialists of educational degree «Bachelor» of the field of knowledge 01 Education / Pedagogy of the specialty 015 Vocational education (on specialties: food technologies, technologies of light industry products, computer technologies, woodworking, design, hotel-restaurant right). The results of approbation of the developed educational content on the discipline «Methodology of professional training» allowed to conclude that the formation of an informational culture of future pedagogical staff in the field of vocational education. The presented results of practical experience in providing partisipatiy in psychological and pedagogical preparation of bachelors of professional education do not exhaust the full completeness of this study.
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