The article deals with the experience of creation, didactic possibilities and peculiarities of the use of ecological trails. Their role in the training of future biology teachers is revealed. The definition of «comprehensive educational and scientific ecological path» is substantiated.
The characteristic and structure of the complex educational and scientific ecological trail «Outskirts of Pereiaslav region», created on the basis of the SHEI «Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University» was created and the possibilities of its use were analyzed. Some aspects of organizing research work for secondary and higher education students are covered. A set of tasks was proposed, which were carried out and carried out directly on each of the key sites of the path.
It was proved that the activity of secondary and higher education students, organized on the basis of the comprehensive educational and scientific ecological trail «Outskirts of Pereiaslavl region», promoted the expansion and deepening of biological knowledge, formed the ability to analyze and compare objects of wildlife, to find causal consequences, monitoring the environment, developing abilities for research and design activities, and raising cognitive activity.
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