• Діденко Є. П. аспірант, Україна, м. Полтава, Полтавський національний педагогічний університет ім. В. Г. Короленка, аспірант кафедри хімії та методики викладання хімі
Keywords: research competence, future commodity-expert, chemical disciplines


In the article features are considered and the analysis of practical experience of professional training of future commodity experts. The problem of forming the research competence of future commodity experts in the process of studying chemical disciplines is outlined. Taking into account modern requirements of the labor market and social order, considerable attention is paid in the article to the formation of students of research qualities. It is proved that the involvement of future commodity experts in the research activity is a prerequisite for the formation of their research competence. A set of methods for diagnosing the level of formation of research competence of future commodity experts is proposed. Characterized by criteria and indicators by which the diagnostics of the formation of research competence of future commodity experts was conducted.
The results of estimation of the level of formation of research competence of future commodity experts by the application of the proposed diagnostic toolkit are highlighted. According to the obtained data, further research prospects and expected results are determined.


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How to Cite
Діденко Є. П. (2018). ДІАГНОСТИКА СФОРМОВАНОСТІ ДОСЛІДНИЦЬКОЇ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ МАЙБУТНІХ ТОВАРОЗНАВЦІВ-ЕКСПЕРТІВ. World Science, 3(8(36), 34-38. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30082018/6076