• Valerii Zavgorodnii phd, associate professor, Department of Information Technologies State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
  • Anna Zavgorodnya senior teacher, Department of Information Technologies State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
  • Vladyslav Maiko master of engineering, Department of Information Technologies State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
  • Valerii Malikov master of engineering, Department of Information Technologies State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
  • Dmytro Zhuk master of engineering, Department of Information Technologies State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
Keywords: structurally complex system, logical-probabilistic method, function of algebra of logic, risk, scenario, dangerous condition, the triggering event


The article presents the main propositions of logical-probabilistic method of analysis the assurance and enhancement of reliability of structurally complex systems, in which the structure of the system is described by means of mathematical logic and quantitative assessment of reliability is performed using probability theory. An example build script the dangerous condition and performed a quantitative investigation of the reliability of complex systems with interdependent basic events. The methods and models are implemented in a computer system that provides the ability to objectively assess the reliability and safety of structurally complex systems and solving problems of operational decision-making in complex emergencies.


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How to Cite
Valerii Zavgorodnii, Anna Zavgorodnya, Vladyslav Maiko, Valerii Malikov, & Dmytro Zhuk. (2018). METHODS AND MODELS FOR ASSESSMENT OF RELIABILITY OF STRUCTURAL-COMPLEX SYSTEMS. World Science, (11(39), 5-14.
Computer Science