• Плевако К. В. Аспірантка, Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, м. Старобільськ, Україна
Keywords: missionary activity, missionary, historical sources, Protestant movement, Protestantism


The research was conducted in order to highlight the sources of missionary activity on the Protestant movement in the Ukrainian lands and to establish the information potential of the analyzed documents. The methodological basis is based on the principle of historicism and objectivity. Research methods used: heuristic, method of analysis and synthesis, in particular, thematic and structural types of content analysis, methods of source analysis.
The peculiarities of informative saturation of documents, as well as the nature of their informative orientation are determined. Problems of the history of the Protestant movement have been identified in reports, published articles of Orthodox missionaries. An objective assessment of the role of missionary societies in the religious, administrative and educational areas of their activities.
According to the results of the research, the prospects of further scientific research of the history of Protestantism in the Ukrainian lands by introducing new sources into scientific circulation are outlined. In the course of the research, missionary periodicals were analyzed, and the influence of missionary journalism on the Protestant movement was revealed.


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How to Cite
Плевако К. В. (2020). ВІДОБРАЖЕННЯ МІСІОНЕРСЬКОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ЩОДО ПРОТЕСТАНТСЬКОГО РУХУ В УКРАЇНІ У ЗВІТНІЙ ДОКУМЕНТАЦІЇ (1900-1917 рр.). World Science, 3(5(57), 29-32. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/31052020/7086