The article is devoted to the one of the most outstanding scientists of Kharkiv University of the late 19th – early 20th centuries – professor of The History and Philology Faculty of Kharkiv University Mykola Sumtzov. The authors paid attention to the contribution of Mykola Sumtzov in the study of Alexandr Pushkin poetry and his activities to memorialize of poet’s personality in the city of Kharkiv. Mykola Sumtzov’s study of the most famous poetry of Pushkin are analyzed in the article. Sumtzov reviewed and analyzed Pushkin poems in detail, searched for analogues and parallels with the works of other authors. He took interest in creative conditions of the poet, in his special style and in his rich spirituality. Mykola Sumtzov as the most devoted admirer made great efforts to commemorate Alexander Pushkin in Kharkiv. He understood an outstanding importance of Pushkin’s poetry in the development of culture. Sumtzov wrote that in the conditions of early 20th century Russian Empire reality only free culture would promote the development of flourishing Ukrainian culture.
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