This article is aimed at consideration of issues concerning the speech culture in everyday life. The issues of violating the main principles of business relations ethicality during public speaking and deviation from the language norms have been considered. Besides, the conclusions as to formal speech peculiarities have been made. The article covers the public speaking stages, methods of due speech formation, preparation for meeting the listeners and techniques to control the audience. The explanations related to the courtly use of speech tokens according to the ethic standards and the ways to improve the ones, which express the respectful attitude towards listeners, have been given.
The article addresses the activity of the linguistic centers required for forming the speech culture. The issues of the center activity aimed at linguistic prognostication of a traditional language system, the tasks of complex research of qualitative and digital speech directions, development of public speaking traditions have been considered, the issues related to the speech culture, linguistic ecology of speech and ecology of the speech culture have been covered as well. The article reveals the language situations concerning ecology of the speech culture, linguistic consciousness, language environment, and purity of language environment, violation of stylistics in the speech activity, and also the issues of the speech ethics, speech culture, monitoring, and other issues.
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