This article presents the results of validation and adaptation of English version of Vincentius van Bruggen’s (University of Twente, Netherlands) Existential Concerns Questionnaire (ECQ) in Ukrainian language. Nowadays there is no measurement instrument for classical existential anxiety kinds in Ukrainian language (same in Russian language). The theoretical part of the article describes building of the theoretical models of origin and kinds of existential anxiety from the very beginning and follows the newest world scientific research in the fields of existential philosophy (neuroexistentialism) and existential neuroscience. The English version of questionnaire is built on the theoretical model of 5 factors of existential anxiety (fear of death, meaningless, identification, loneliness and quilt). But Ukrainian variant was shortened for 4 scales (fear of death, meaningless, identification and loneliness). Besides Ukrainian version of questionnaire presented a new theoretical model with two new scales for existential anxiety – objective and subjective existence. The validation and adaptation procedures were done according to all the algorithms for questionnaires statistical analyses – back and forward translation, internal consistency, factor structure, construct and concurrent validity. The questionnaire consists of 22 questions. 251 person took part in experiment. Existential Concerns Questionnaire (ECQ) was validated in Ukrainian language and can be used in scientific research.
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