• Жумагалиева Ж. Ж. к.х.н. , Карагандинский Государственный Университет им Е.А. Букетова
  • Жузбаева Г. О. к.б.н., Карагандинский Государственный Университет им Е.А. Букетова
  • Турлыбекова Г. К. к.б.н., Карагандинский Государственный Университет им Е.А. Букетова
Keywords: aporphine alkaloid, structural, glaucine, biological, modification


The small amount of natural and specially grown plants of abundant stock of Kazakhstani flora is used in medicine and investigation of their chemical structure is going to be the important problem. At present, taking new medicinal substances is developing on the basis of enormous chemical research work of plant structure In spite of it, conducting biochemical research work of the structure of the plant and taking biologically active derivatives with the use of chemical modification oriented on the materials separated from plant is very important and it is one of the actual problem from scientific and practical point of view. According to this, an interest is increased to the alkaloids representative of different structural types as perspective medicinal preparations providing the broad spectrum of biological activity. The highness of their reaction capacity is formed as the source of taking different compounds. A number of valuable medicinal products with hypotensive and other types of properties have been obtained on their basis and are widely used in medicine. In spite of that, chemical modification of the most available and important aporfinic alkaloid glaucine has not been studied to full extent until recently. On the basis of aporphine alkaloid glaucine her new derivatives were synthesized. The structures of obtained compounds were determined onbasis of IR -NMR1Н, 13С spectral data.


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Арипова Х.Н.Итоги исследования алкалоидоносных растений -Ташкент , 1993. 220с.

Садритдинов Ф.С., Курмуков А.Г., Фармакология растительных алкалоидов и их применение в медицине, Ташкент, Медицина, 1980.





How to Cite
Жумагалиева Ж. Ж., Жузбаева Г. О., & Турлыбекова Г. К. (2016). АНТИМИКРОБНАЯ АКТИВНОСТЬ ПРОИЗВОДНЫХ АЛКАЛОИДА ГЛАУЦИНА. World Science, 2(4(8), 6-7. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/1124