Fast development of telecommunication technologies has the strongest impact business processes' construction of the modern organizations. Therefore classical digital automatic telephone exchanges were succeeded by more functional IP-ATC, with support of IP-telephony. Development and distribution of IP-telephony served in the excellent way for many organizations significantly to lower costs of communication, generally on a long distance and international telecommunication. It led to that in fight for the client functionality of IP-ATC and various ways of integration with external applications actively develop, there are technologically new principles of configuration of IP-ATC, and also services of various virtual automatic telephone exchanges in which the user in general physically has no IP-ATC are offered, but receives part of similar services.
Asterisk possesses the built-in means of writing algorithms of call processing, depending on huge number of criteria. More than two hundred teams and functions - telephone primitives who can be combined in any combination that allows regular means to realize the most part of all requirements of the company are offered to the imagination of the administrator of system.
The main growth of the market happens due to replacement of outdated telephone systems by virtual automatic telephone exchanges and host IP-PBX of the decision. Generally virtual automatic telephone exchanges are aimed at small enterprises with the staff of 20-50 employees, but now interest in them grows and in corporate sector. It is expected that during the period from 2010 to 2015 the annual increase in the income of PBX providers will make 13%.
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