The use of antibacterial drugs in the complex treatment of postoperative purulent sternomediastinitis is a mandatory component of the treatment of this pathology. The outcome of the disease often depends on the effectiveness and timeliness of antibiotic therapy of postoperative sternomediastinitis. When choosing the means of empiric antibacterial therapy, it is necessary to count the etiological role of various microorganisms in the development of postoperative purulent sternomediastinitis. Local and regional data considering the sensitivity and resistance of pathogens should also be taken into account. The results of treatment were analyzed in 57 patients with postoperative sternomediastinitis who were treated in the department of thoracic surgery, the department of surgical infections, as well as in the cardiac surgery department of the State Institution «V.T. Zaycev Institute of General and Urgent Surgery» Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine between the years 2008 and 2018. We have studied the etiology of microorganisms, their sensitivity. The results of research show a necessity to include oxacillin, gentamicin, cyphran, ceftrioxon and also antymycotic preparation into the spectrum of empirical antibacterial therapy postoperative purulent sternomediastinitis in Kharkiv’s region.
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