In the course of the conducted research, on the basis of the application of correlation analysis procedures, it was possible to determine the most significant interconnections between the criterion characteristics of the physiologically- and mentally-determined correlates of psychophysiological adaptation with a set of leading indicators of the development of individual psychophysiological functions and peculiarities traits of the students of institutions of higher medical education, interconnected and interdependent investigated indicators to be used for the establishment updating of objective criteria for assessment of academic stress among modern students youth. Summarizing the results obtained in this context, it should be noted that there is sufficiently significant both at the beginning and at the end of the academic year the number of correlations that were discovered with significant force and statistical significance, the fact that the number of established ties throughout the period observations are higher among girls compared to youths, as well as certain changes in the structure found and, thus, their reorientation during the academic year.
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