• Мамашарипова Гульнар Ануаровна К. и. н., доцент , Факультет юриспруденции и международных отношений Южно-Казахстанского государственного университета имени М.Ауэзова.
  • Жакипова Нагима Райымхановна Финансовый директор АО «Энергоорталык -3»
Keywords: international relations, independence, diplomatic relations, democracy, foreign policy, nuclear safety, stability, bringing in of investment


In this article the bilateral Kazakhstan-American relations are investigated at the beginning of 90th the greatest problem in the first half of 1990th the fate of nuclear weapon became on territory of Kazakhstan. President Назарбаев could not not take advantage of that Kazakhstan for a while, but however became the nuclear state and he put an aim to extend the questions of nuclear safety and translate in the plane of safe of Kazakhstan conducts.
One of external and internal factors on forming of the Kazakhstan-American relations at the beginning of 90th гг- this was nuclear safety and investment. In 90th of becoming of the Kazakhstan state system, influence of the American factor on forming of foreign-policy behavior of РК was dominant. At that time it was related to that Russia on that Kazakhstan was oriented already in sovereign quality gave up the role of aegis for Republic. In the difficult and incomprehensible then world there was not a choice the young independent state, except a reference-point in the foreign policy on the USA that declared about itself as about a leader in the system of international relations and more active than all interested in matter-position in the new state.
A republic hoped, first of all, on an investment from the side of the USA and occident. It defined priority of the American vector in foreign-policy reference-points on the initial stage of development of the Kazakhstan state.



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How to Cite
Мамашарипова Гульнар Ануаровна, & Жакипова Нагима Райымхановна. (2016). ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ КАЗАХСТАНСКО-АМЕРИКАНСКИХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ В НАЧАЛЕ 90-Х гг. World Science, 4(3(7), 12-15. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/1080
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