Until now, a comprehensive study on the habitat, morphology, biology and ecology of Siberian fir, on extension of natural forest ranges, promotion of non-native plantations, propagation by seeds in arboretums, also on planting Siberian firs for forestry and horticulture has not been undertaken in Mongolia. Thus, this study is considered essential and important nowadays.
The study aims to analyze morphological features of pollen of Siberian fir in mountain plantations of Mongolia. In this respect, qualitative and quantitative parameters that are most typical for this type have been examined. Also, variations of Siberian fir pollen that are most valuable for the forestry have been identified.
We have investigated pollen morphological characteristics in respect to their shape, size, whereas apertures were examined in terms of outer wall or exine composition and modification according to the methodology of Kupriyanova, Alyoshina (1972, 1978, 1983), Sladkov (1967), T.N.Nekrasova (1983), R.G.Kurmanov, A.R.Ishbridin (2013), M.O.Oshurkova (2014), S.Jamyansuren (2012) and Mamayev (1972). 96 pollen grains were collected for three repeated testing with 32 pollens per each repeat. “CG Performance [768X576]” program was used to capture pollen images, and J.MIVNT Micro-Image Analysis system, WV-CP240EXCH camera, XSP-8CA microscope, as well as Excel-2010 and IBM SPSS statistics-21 programs - for measuring pollen grain sizes.
A comparative study of coefficient of variation values according to the method of Russian scholar A.S.Mamayev (1972) demonstrates that pollen and pollen body length and width have the lowest level of variation, while air sac length and width are classified as with low variation. Coefficient variation indicators of pollen grain, pollen body and air sac length and width are compared to the study results of Russian scholar E.B.Bajina (2005). It is defined that morphological characteristics of Siberian firs growing in elevated forest regions (body height - 49.8 mcm, body length - 34.5 mcm) and at riverbanks (body height - 52.2 mcm, body length – 37.1 mcm) vary.
In the future, there is a need in the cariological and molecular genetic study of Siberian fir in Mongolia.
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