• Юсупова О. И. к.м.н., доцент, Ташкентский Педиатрический медицинский институт
  • Каратаева Л .А. к.м.н., ассистент, Ташкентский Педиатрический медицинский институт
  • Абророва Б .Т. Ташкентский Педиатрический медицинский институт
  • Расулев Э. Э. Ташкентский Педиатрический медицинский институт
  • Усмонходжаев А. А. Ташкентский Педиатрический медицинский институт
Keywords: immunotherapy, allergy, allergen, hyposensitivity, mosquito sting


Diagnosis and specific immunotherapy of allergy sufferers has been used successfully in clinical practice for a long time. Specific immunotherapy is the only method based on etiological and pathogenetic principles. He has a number of advantages: 1. Keeps long-term remission 2. Prevents the expansion of the spectrum of allergens to which the body is formed by sensitization 3. Prevents passage of mild forms of allergy to severe. 4. Dramatically reduces the need for the appointment of various allergy and other medicines. In recent years, expanded indications for specific immunotherapy for allergic diseases with medium-severe and severe clinical course. According to various authors a positive therapeutic effect of specific immunotherapy with good long- term results observed in 85-95% of cases. However, specific immunotherapy and general medical practice in our Republic and is now being applied poorly. One reason for this - in general deficiency of allergens and regional and regional including allergens. According to our experimental data, after allergen specific immunotherapy of the mosquito body was a significant decrease in the titre of antibodies anaphylactic, and the percentage of indirect degranulation of mast cells.
Thus, an allergen from a mosquito body is an effective diagnostic tool that allows to detect sensitization of the human body, having an increased sensitivity to mosquito bites. Allergen suitable for identifying both explicit and latent sensitization. We have developed an experimental model of the truncated scheme of specific immunotherapy may serve as a basis for clinical trials of allergen and as a therapeutic drug.


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How to Cite
Юсупова О. И., Каратаева Л .А., Абророва Б .Т., Расулев Э. Э., & Усмонходжаев А. А. (2016). ОЦЕНКА ИММУНОТЕРАПИИ ПРИ КОМАРИНЫХ УКУСАХ. World Science, 2(3(7), 17-19. Retrieved from https://rsglobal.pl/index.php/ws/article/view/1025