In the given work, results numerical modeling for research and an estimation of thermal productivity of drying chamber combined solar-fuel drying installation which is based with cradle-conveyor, heated up by direct receipt of sunlight and an additional source of heat are presented. All calculations have been spent in cases of an “empty” condition drying chamber and “non-working” mode of infrared lamps.
Into a database of the given program are entered all thermophysical and physical properties of materials and the substances used in solar dry kiln. Absorbing ability and factor of radiation of a surface of a wall solar dry kiln make chambers (case) 0.90 and 1.0 accordingly where it is made of the processed stainless steel having following properties: the density of 7900 kg/m3 , a specific thermal capacity of 500 J/(kg∙ ̊С), factor of heat conductivity of 16.3 W/(m ̊С), and as the entry condition its temperature has been chosen, equal ambient temperature. In quality translucent coverings have been used polycarbonate sheets having following properties: density of 1200.00 kg/m3 , a specific thermal capacity of 1200 J/(kg∙ ̊С), it has been specified that in them heat conductivity is homogeneous also their factor of heat conductivity of 0.20 W/(m ̊С). For a thermal protection of a ground part drying chambers the polystyrene having following properties has been used: Density of 1075.0 kg/m , a thermal capacity of 350 J/(kg ̊С), factor of heat conductivity of 0.082 W/(m ̊С). The heat-carrier in given solar dry kiln is air having the following physical and thermophysical property: relations of specific thermal capacities (Cp/Cv) 1.399, and molar weight of 0.0290 kg/mol.
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